Monday, October 24, 2011


this weekend has been a mess...remember back to one of my previous posts, when i talked about the hubby starting a drywall project in the girls' room, and then not finishing it? well, he finally did, after many temper tantrums on my part. and it's horrible. it looks like crap. really, really bad. but it's finished, and the wall is sealed up now. so no more spiders (fingers crossed), and no exposed insulation. my sweet grandmother gave me some leftover paint she isn't ever going to use, so we can paint at least that wall, if not the whole room. it will make it look 10x better.
so hubby has not even thought about finishing the drywall in my (our) bathroom. i'll probably do it myself. all it needs is some stinking nails. it'll literally take 2 minutes. and he still hasn't done anything about the nasty carpet in there. i'm thinking about ripping it all out and just putting plastic down on top of the plywood floor (isn't it called a subfloor? not sure about technical names...) and maybe that will get hubby rolling on getting the flooring materials.
and of course, we can't forget about the cars...hubby still thinks i'm wrong about what needs to be done to them. the codes tell us what's wrong! they're there for a reason! car-MAF sensor, van-EGR valve. changing the fuel filter will not fix what's wrong. same as an oil change. yes, they're both good for maintenance, but it doesn't fix the problem! Freaking listen to me!

so, moral to the story....
     1) Don't EVER expect a man to listen; they think they know EVERYTHING! and
     2) If you want something done, done right, and done well, just do it yourself! if you don't, it'll NEVER get finshed! 

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